Can a man who lived 3000 years ago to communicate with a 18 year old who lives in a modern city today ? Real social dialogue, Visions of World Cultural Exchange and Live : this is the particular bet Wine Interpretation Centre .
The proposed center is to incorporate a concept of unity , where partial elements to preserve, protect and disseminate cultural, historical, oenological as elements relate to each other .
It is through dialogue , interaction and human engagement with museum collections when each partial specific topic can be displayed on a global map .
From there, our proposal is to recognize and enhance the conservation effort , exhibition and dissemination of these collections, but also the creation of dialogue, have the great opportunity to play and have a practical interaction between these and our visitors.
The idea is to explore , share, discover , recreate , continue and integrate the various elements and parts: historical, sociological , mythological and artistic , both prehistoric , like classical or contemporary , to a larger framework.
What are the concepts to exhibit?
Every thing can be presented from the human point of view. Here we treat the most concrete to the most abstract . Thus, we recognize the importance of showing and publicize this small living cultural space, since wine appeared while civilization itself , the main data that justifies our daily work and efforts to publicize this wonderful world